torsdag 26 juni 2008

Me, the music blogger

Just can't let this beautiful piece pass you by. Bedroom Walls. Play it on repeat. Over and over.

onsdag 25 juni 2008

One down

The talk of today was the upcoming cabin trip. C supposedly tried to talk R into uninviting M. And C can be pretty persuasive when she wants to - especially when going for such an easy target as poor little R. So right now it seems M is off the guestlist. As far as I know I'm still on it. But I guess that could change any day. Do I really care? Don't know, really.

torsdag 19 juni 2008

The heat part II

If it gets any hotter I don't know what to do. I'm pretty sure that you can actually fry eggs on almost any surface today. And speaking of eggs, guess who the biggest chicken is? 

tisdag 17 juni 2008

The heat

The past few days have been really hot. The heat really seems to bring out the worst in people. Yesterday C told M that she looked like a cirkus seal in her new (and probably insanely expensive) dress. M replied by disappearing to the bathroom for a good hour or so before lunch. Then she came back with a vengeance, emptying an entire carton of juice over C's head. R taped the entire pouring incident with his cell, so I guess it'll be on youtube in no time.

fredag 13 juni 2008

Me, the runner

I like running. I can't tell why, but I really do. Always have. There's something liberating with focusing on one thing only  - moving forward. Dad used to say I would grow up to be a great long distance runner. Something about how the solitude of the sport suited me. I used to think he was right. Today I'm not that sure anymore. But I still like running.

torsdag 12 juni 2008

Song from hell

"Oh Mandy, well, you came and you gave without takin'
But I sent you away, oh Mandy
well, you kissed me and stopped me from shakin'
and I need you today, Oh, Mandy!"

I'm telling you. One more time and I'll snap.

onsdag 11 juni 2008


July 11. The date for the cabin trip has finally been set. I'm not sure everyone's gonna be that thrilled over me going, but it's all up to me, right? 

onsdag 4 juni 2008

Cabin weekend

So, I got the invitation today. Some kids are going to this guy's parents house somewhere near a lake up north and they've asked me to come. I actually think I'm gonna go this time. I guess that's what you're supposed to do when the cool kids call your name.

måndag 2 juni 2008


The school paper recently referred to me as the hottest "it-girl" of this school. That's just so lame. What does that mean, really? And how can I be labelled anything? There is not a single soul that knows me. Don't get me wrong, I don't consider myself a freak or anything - it's just that people don't seem that interested in really getting to know me. Or eachother, for that part. 

It. It. The more I hear it the more I hate it.

And the answer is...

...cherry. Always. The question? My favourite ice cream flavour.


About the name of this blog: no, I don't have a humongous attitude problem. Anyone of you familiar with sarcasm or irony? I know for sure that E is, since he's the one who set this blog up for me as a going away-present. And named it, since "if they do a movie about you, that's the perfect title". I didn't think that much about it, more than it being a bit silly and all,  so I've kept it. Changed my password though. A girl needs a bit of privacy sometimes.