fredag 30 maj 2008


He keeps on looking at me in a weird way. I wish he would just leave me alone. 

onsdag 28 maj 2008

I, the samarithan?

E called me today. He seemed pretty upset. Even though I know he's quite a bit of a drama queen, I got the feeling he's not doing too well. Poor E. I somehow feel responsible for him. Maybe I should meet up with him tomorrow. Just to make sure he's ok. Or something.

måndag 26 maj 2008

Bad thoughts

It's been awfully quiet at home today again. Maybe everything is not alright after all.

lördag 24 maj 2008

First impressions

Whenever I meet new people it's always the same. Someone - usually a guy - will come up to me with a really lame opener. Behind him follows two or more friends, both boys and girls. The guys look me up and down - and so does the girls. But they do it with completely different facial expressions. It's a strange thing getting used to being looked upon as a) cattle b) a potential threat to all things good, but I think I've managed. I reflect upon these things but I don't react on them anymore. It's better that way. 

torsdag 22 maj 2008

White lies

C wanted me to come to her party this weekend. I said I'd think about it. I lied. 

onsdag 21 maj 2008

If I hear that song one more time...

Today, I've heard people sing "Mandy" after me at least ten times. And guess what? Not the first time that's happened either. Do I have to tell you that I hate that song?

Separated at birth?

Hey. you know what? I look like this really cool and upcoming actress. I know because M said so. And right after that, C said the same thing. Who she is? Beats me. Apparently she's been in some tv show and some (probably completely lame) horror flick as well as having appeared in a few  American Apparel ads. And she looks just like me. I really don't know what to say about that. 

I miss M. And D.

måndag 19 maj 2008

Starry scary eyes

This girl, let's call her C, has started to give me these weird looks. I know they are weird because I have seen them before. It is not as she is staring at me, rather through me. I can't even say she gives me the creeps. I really don't feel anything. But it sort of bugs me since I thought I would not have to experience these things again.

söndag 18 maj 2008

One Missed Call

A sort of scary thing happened today. When I picked up my phone this morning I saw that I had a missed call from a hidden number. I am pretty sure I would have heard it ring. What bothers me more is that there was a text message as well. "dont forget that even mansard roofs are slippery ;-X".  Sender unknown. 

Still maybe not that unknown after all. Or what do you say, E?

lördag 17 maj 2008

Attack of the clones

To tell you the truth, I am getting sick of this. The jocks, the freaks, the jockettes and the freakettes - what's the difference really? Is this nation just built these types of people, cloned to make sure they cover each square mile of american suburbia? 

torsdag 15 maj 2008

New start

Ok, here's the deal. New city, new school and I'll try to keep you updated on what's happening here. That's sort of the reason for this blog. 

I don't know what to think about this place yet. Seems pretty much the same as everywhere else. New faces but the same people underneath. I so recognized the looks they gave me when I first got to school yesterday. Hope I'm wrong. It got far too messy the last time.